Our mission and why

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Our mission is to enable everyone to have maximum freedom on the internet when using any service with a completely secure and end-to-end encrypted password.

We believe that passwords need to be not only strongly secure but also well-organized and not easy to remember. We are here to protect against intruders where your passwords are created and make Cloudsky a part of your daily routine in this new world called the internet.

About Cloudsky

Cloudsky was founded on November 13, 2022, with the goal of being the application for internet users, facilitating password generation in their lives and protecting their password's place with end-to-end encryption using our own encryption called Sixcry .

You can indeed create your passwords with various unlimited suggestions generated by the unique encryption of each password and name them to facilitate search when it'll be used.

By using the Cloudsky app, you can ensure that all your passwords are unique, and only you can decrypt them on your device. Each new password generated creates a new hexadecimal encryption sequence in the world. This means that when saving or even copying them, only you have access to that password at that moment and the unique decryption key.